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Explore the full list of official NYC landmarks.
View the NYC Landmark Preservation Commission’s Landmark Portal below

All information on this site is the property of the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) with which this site has no affiliation.
Check out the full list of East Harlem LPC-designated Landmarks and their official designation reports. 

The New York State Cultural Resource Information System (CRIS), is an online resource from The Division for Historic Preservation which supplies individuals and communities with information and tools to support the preservation and revitalization of New York State’s rich heritage and culture.

All information on this site is the property of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, with which this site has no affiliation. 

Between 1939 and 1941, the Works Progress Administration collaborated with the New York City Tax Department to collect photographs of most buildings in the five boroughs of New York City. This photo portal, created by Julian Boilen, compiles and maps them into a searchable interface. 

The photos on this site are property of the NYC Department of Records, with which this site has no affiliation. Prints and high-resolution digital copies may be ordered directly from the Municipal Archives using the link at the bottom of every photo.

Virtual Tours

Instagram Live Tour: A Great Day in Harlem

Led by Kathleen Benson Haskins & Connie Lee, Founding Members of Landmark East Harlem
This walk is made in partnership with the Municipal Art Society of New York for the MAS Jane’s Walk 2022!

Take a virtual stroll around East and Central Harlem above 125th Street, straddling Fifth Avenue, the traditional dividing line between East and Central Harlem. We will introduce you to the treasures of the second historic district that LEH has proposed for listing on the National and State Registers of Historic Places. Featured sites include 19th-century wood-frame houses, Victorian-era rowhouses, landmarks associated with James Baldwin and Langston Hughes, former church buildings that have been given new purpose, and the brownstone stoop that served as the site of the iconic 1958 photograph of jazz musicians by Art Kane for Esquire magazine.

Instagram Live Tour: From Cicely Tyson to Howdy Doody: Surprising East Harlem Sites

Led by Kathleen Benson Haskins, Founding Member, Landmark East Harlem, and Carey King, Director, Uptown Grand Central.
This walk is made in partnership with LEH and Uptown Grand Central for the MAS Jane’s Walk 2021!

Uptown Grand Central is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming East 125th Street into a thriving corridor by delivering programs that put advocacy into action through collaborations with businesses, residents and neighborhood organizations across East Harlem.

In this tour you will virtually wind through the streets of lower East Harlem and discover surprising histories behind historic neighborhood structures while gaining a front row view of some of the culturally significant murals, mosaics, and other street art for which East Harlem is well known.

Take a virtual walk through historic East Harlem with our very own Jane’s Walk Tour in partnership with Urban Archive

Take a virtual walk through historic East Harlem with our Urban Archive partnership tours!